Game Changer. Let's Do This.

Innovation cannot happen without change, and sometimes our greatest challenges spur us on to create new ways of seeing and doing things. Rather than focusing on the inconvenience and restrictions that have recently been put in place, I’ve chosen to look for how I might innovate and adapt to the new reality in order to better care for my patients. One of the realities of this pandemic is that having close contact with people that don’t live in your home is no longer acceptable unless there is an urgent reason to do so. This will undoubtedly change as time goes by, but in the mean time my observation has been that people are still actively seeking advice regarding aesthetic procedures. My challenge has been to find a way to provide information to patients while maintaining safe public health principles.

I am pleased to announce that I am offering virtual consults with patients via telephone or video call, and utilizing integrated virtual 3D imaging for patients interested in breast enhancement procedures. In partnership with the Crisalix online imaging platform, patients can now experience an augmented reality version of their own anatomy. Prior to the pandemic, this technology featured prominently in the decision making process for women I met in my office considering breast augmentation. Being able to see and compare augmented photographs of their own anatomy is a simple way to reduce the anxiety patients feel about choosing their desired breast size. Fortunately we are now able to offer the same images via secure web portal access to patients while they remain safe in their own home. Patients can now take their own photographs at home, and upload them through the secure web portal to the software. They can then view augmented photographs of their own body as part of the decision making process, and all without leaving home.

Patients can access the Crisalix secure portal by visiting . The system will guide you through the process of providing current measurements and photos, which will then be used to create a virtual version of your own anatomy. We can then manipulate the software to illustrate different sizing options for breast implants. You will have the opportunity to analyze your photographs during either a telephone or video consultation, or a consultation in my office once we are able to see patients in person once again.

We are all getting used to a new normal. I believe that there will be many innovations that are created because of the new challenges we face, and who knows? We might just stumble upon a few game changers.